Testy na prijímačky – angličtina a nemčina (13 testov) 2024/2025

Testy z angličtiny a nemčiny na prijímačky
Prijímacie skúšky z cudzieho jazyka na strednú školu 2024/2025
Milí študenti! Spravte si testy z cudzieho jazyka na prijímacie skúšky (prijímacie pohovory) na strednú školu 2024/2025. Testy, ktoré sú on-line, si môžete spraviť alebo stiahnuť nižšie. Tieto testy sa vyskytli v posledných rokoch na niektorej zo stredných škôl na Slovensku. Pozor! Učitelia sem radi chodia a inšpirujú sa, takže niektoré z týchto testov sa môžu objaviť aj na vašej skúške. Držíme palce na prijímačkách!
Vážení stredoškolskí profesori! Cieľom tohoto projektu je rozširovať vzdelanosť a pripravovať žiakov základných škôl na prijímací pohovor na strednú školu. Neváhajte a inšpirujte sa. Budeme radi, keď nám potom pošlete testy z prijímačiek z Vašej školy na náš e-mail simona@euroekonom.sk. Ďakujeme!
Angličtina a nemčina – testy na prijímačky
V kategórii Testy na prijímačky – Cudzí jazyk sa nachádzajú tieto súbory na stiahnutie:
1. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Anglický jazyk OA Trnava aj_14-15
2. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Anglický jazyk OA Trnava aj13-14
3. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Anglický jazyk OA Trnava AJ15-16
4. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Anglický jazyk OA Trnava AJ1617
5. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Anglický jazyk OA Trnava AJ1718
6. Test na prijímačky z nemčiny: Nemecký jazyk OA Trnava nj13-14
7. Test na prijímačky z nemčiny: Nemecký jazyk OA Trnava NJ15-16
8. Test na prijímačky z nemčiny: Nemecký jazyk OA Trnava NJ1617
9. Test na prijímačky z nemčiny: Nemecký jazyk OA Trnava NJ1718
10. Test na prijímačky z nemčiny: Nemecký jazyk OA Trnava nj_14-15
11. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Obchodna akademia test angličtina 1
12. Test na prijímačky z angličtiny: Obchodna akademia test angličtina 2
13. Test na prijímačky z maďarčiny: Maďarský jazyk SSOŠ Sládkovičovo
Nové testy pre školský rok 2025/2026
Pozor, toto sú nové testy aj so správnymi odpoveďami! Otestujte sa v nových testoch pre školský rok 2025/2026:
Matematika - testy na prijímačky (92 testov)
- Supertest z matematiky 2024/2025, ktorý ťa dostane na všetky stredné školy
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky 2024 a správne odpovede
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na gymnázium 2023/2024
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na obchodnú akadémiu 2022/2023
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na SOU 2022/2023
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na športové gymnázium 2022/2023
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na strednú poľnohospodársku školu SPŠ 2022/2023
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na strednú priemyselnú školu SPŠ 2022/2023
- Test z matematiky na prijímačky na viacročné gymnázium 2022/2023
- Test z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky na DOŠ 2022/2023
- Oddychový hokejový test na príjímacie skúšky z matematiky 2021/2022
- Prijímačkový test z matematiky 2021/2022 pre gymnáziá
- Test na talentové prijímacie skúšky z matematiky 2022 pre matematické gymnáziá
- Prijímačkový test z matematiky 2021/2022 pre obchodnú akadémiu
- Prijímacie skúšky z matematiky 2022, 2021, 2020
- Prijímacie skúšky na strednú školu z matematiky 2022, 2021, 2020
- Prijímačky na gymnázium z matematiky 2022, 2021, 2020
- Skúšky z matematiky 1. ročník gymnázia školský rok 2021/2022
- Prijímačkový test z matematiky – Obchodná akadémia 2022, 2021, 2020
- Prijímacie skúšky z matematiky do prvého ročníka SOU 2022, 2021, 2020
- Staré testy na prijímačky z matematiky (74 testov)
Slovenský jazyk a literatúra - testy na prijímačky (78 testov)
- Zadanie testu: Prijímacie skúšky zo slovenského jazyka a literatúry 2024
- Zadanie testu: Test zo slovenského jazyka na prijímačky OA 2024
- Druhé kolo prijímacích skúšok zo slovenčiny 2024
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na osemročné gymnázium 2023
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na OA 2023
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na obchodnú akadémiu 2023
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na bilingválne gymnázium 2022
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na strednú odbornú školu 2022
- Zadanie testu: Prijímacie skúšky zo slovenského jazyka a literatúry 2022
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na gymnázium 2022
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na strednú školu 2022
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na OŠG 2022
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na gymnázium 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na dievčenskú odbornú školu 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na klasické gymnázium 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na OA 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na obchodnú akadémiu 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na strednú školu 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na osemročné gymnázium 2021
- Zadanie testu: Prijímačky zo slovenčiny na OŠG 2021
- Prijímacie skúšky zo slovenčiny pre gymnáziá 2021/2022
- Prijímačky na SOU zo slovenského jazyka 2022
- Ukážkový test na prijímacie skúšky zo SLJ 2021/2022
- Staré testy na prijímačky zo slovenčiny a literatúry (60 testov)
Prijímacie skúšky na strednú školu 2026, 2025, 2024
Pozrite si články z kategórie Prijímacie skúšky na strednú školu 2026, 2025, 2024:
Organizačné informácie
- Prijímačky na strednú školu 2025/2026 – testy a organizačné informácie
- Informácie o prijímacích skúškach, prihláškach na SŠ a termíny pre rok 2025/2026
Slovenský jazyk a literatúra
- Všetky testy zo slovenčiny a literatúry (78 testov)
- Staré testy na prijímačky zo slovenčiny a literatúry (60 testov)
Ostatné predmety
- Prijímacie skúšky z angličtiny a nemčiny – cudzí jazyk (22 testov)
- Prijímacie skúšky z fyziky (4 testy)
- Prijímacie skúšky z náboženstva (10 testov)
Správne odpovede a riešenia testov
Výsledky niektorých testov sú v komentároch v dolnej časti stránok. Ak niektoré vyriešite, podeľte sa o ne s ďalšími spolužiakmi – pridajte ich do komentárov pod článkom. Komentáre budú obratom schválené – väčšinou do niekoľkých minút. Ďakujeme v mene všetkých žiakov a študentov.
Tematické okruhy na prijímaciu skúšku z anglického jazyka:
A) Podstatné mená
• jednotné číslo, množné číslo (chair – chairs…)
• nepravidelné množné číslo (man – men…)
• pravopis množného čísla (bus – buses….)
• počítateľné (a cup, a girl…), nepočítateľné (water, sugar, milk…)
• vyjadrovanie množstva (some, any, much, many….)
• člen neurčitý (a, an), určitý (the), nulový člen
• predložkové pády, privlastňovanie (Linda´s friend…)
B) Predložky
• miesta (under, next to, above…)
• pohybu (to, towards, along…)
• času (in, at, on)
C) Prídavné mená
• stupňovanie pravidelné (nice-nicer-the nicest), nepravidelné (good-better-the best)
• porovnávanie (as…as, not so…as, than)
• opozitá (old – young; beautiful – ugly…)
D) Príslovky:
• času (tomorrow..)
• spôsobu (slowly…)
• frekvenčné príslovky (often, never, always…)
E) Slovesné časy:
• prítomný jednoduchý čas (I go to school by bus.)
• prítomný priebehový čas (I am reading a good book.)
• jednoduchý minulý čas (I played tennis yesterday.)
• minulý priebehový čas (When I came home, my mother was cooking.)
• predprítomný čas (I have never been to Japan.)
• blízka budúcnosť (It is going to rain.)
• budúci čas pomocou will (I will help you.)
• vyjadrenie budúcnosti pomocou prítomného priebehového času (I am seeing the doctor this afternoon.)
F) Číslovky:
• základné do milión (one, two, three….)
• radové (first, second, third…)
• násobné (once, twice…)
G) Zámená:
• opytovacie (what, why, where…)
• osobné (I, you…)
• privlastňovacie (my, his…)
H) Syntax:
• there is, there are – tvorenie otázky, záporu
• slovosled
• krátke odpovede
• pravidlo jedného záporu v anglickej vete
I) Slovesá
• pravopis 3. osoby j.č. (wear – wears; go – goes; fly – flies; have – has….)
• minulý čas slovies – pravidelné (play – played…), nepravidelné (do – did..)
• príčastie minulé – pravidelné (play – played – played..), nepravidelné (do – did – done..)
J) Vybraná povinná lexika pre komunikačnú úroveň A2
Reading [20 points]
Sally Fox, 25, tenis coach meets Dominic Evo, 29, actor. They met in a Chinese restaurant called Ping Pong. Will they ever meet again?
Sally talking about Dominic
First impressions? He was friendly, tall, and attractive. We laughed together from the start, I think because we were both a bit nervous. What did you talk about? So many things- places we want to travel to, such as South America. Sport, of course. Unfortunately Dom doesn´ t play much sport, but he´s going to run the marathon this year. His acting- I don´t often go to the theatre so I didn´t have a lot to say. Any difficult moments? I couldn´t decide how to greet him when we first met. I shook his hand and he tried to kiss my cheek. That was a bit embarrassing, but we laughed about it. Good table manners? Yes, very. He couldn´t use chopsticks, but he tried. Would you like to meet again? Maybe. We swapped numbers, so we´ll see.
Dominic talking about Sally
First impressions? She smiled a lot. She has a lovely smile and amazing green eyes. I think she was a bit nervous. I loved her red dress – it was very red indeed. What did you talk about? Everything- travel, we both want to visit Chile; cooking, I love it, Sally hates it; sport, I hate it, Sally loves it, but I am trying to run the marathon for charity; the theatre, I have a small part in a small theatre at the moment. Any difficult moments? Not really. Oh yes, I could see that the waiter knew it was a blind date. That was embarrassing. Good table manners? Very good. I like a girl who enjoys her food and she could use chopsticks. I was impressed with that. Would you like to meet again? Definitely. She left very hurriedly, but she has my number.
1. Read the text and complete the statements about the people using one of the following letters: (A) – Sally, (B) – Dominic, (C) – both of them.
1, ….. liked what her/his date was wearing.
2, ….. didn´t feel comfortable at the beginning of the date.
3, ….. would like to visit an exotic country.
4, ….. is fond of sports.
5, ….. performs in a play
6, ….. felt a bit embarrassed
7, ….. made an effort to use chopsticks.
2. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (A) or false (B).
1, Sally and Dominic both found each other attractive. (A) true (B) false
2, They found great many topics to discuss. (A) true (B) false
3, They are both interested in the same things. (A) true (B) false
4, The waiter thought they were blind. (A) true (B) false
5, When greeting each other, Sally felt embarrassed. (A) true (B) false
6, They both accepted the way their date ate their meal. (A) true (B) false
7, Dominic has Sally´s telephone number. (A) true (B) false
Homestay Package – AM classes
· Standard General English course (15 hours per week)
· Homestay Accommodation, Single, with Breakfast, Zone 4
· Free course book
· Valid for all students starting at LSC between 1 March and 1 October 2013.
Prices: 2 weeks £650 3 weeks £920 4 weeks £1,180
Residence Package – AM classes
Standard General English course (15 hours per week)
· Standard Residence Accommodation, Twin, Self Catering, Zone 2
· Free course book
· Valid for all students starting at LSC between 1 March and 1 October 2013.
Prices: 2 weeks £730 3 weeks £1,040 4 weeks £1,340
Book now!!
3. Decide which course would be more suitable for the following people. (A) – Homestay, (B) – Residence
1, Someone who prefers staying with a host family. …..
2, Someone who wants to have a room of his own. …..
3, Someone who would like to arrange his food on his own. …..
4, Someone who prefers staying nearer the city centre. …..
5, Someone who doesn´t mind sharing a room. …..
6, Someone who can´t afford to spend too much money. …..
Grammar [40 points]
4. Circle the correct answer.
1, When ….. he go to the gym?
a) do b) went c) does d) has
2, I´ve never ….. to Istanbul.
a) went b) been
c) gone d) be
3, Teachers ….. wear a uniform.
a) don´t have to b) haven´t
got c) have d) don´t have got to
4, ….. is this hat?
a) Who b) Yours
c) Who´s d) Whose
5, It was a cold dark night in March and it ….. .
a) rained b) was
raining c) rains d) rainy
6, Tokyo isn´t ….. Helsinki.
a) noisier b) noisy
as c) as noisy as d) as noisy like
7, Tom´s very lazy. If he ….. harder, he´ll fail.
a) doesn´t study b) won´t study c) don´t study d) didn´t study
8, I only eat ….. meat.
a) a few b) very few c) a little d) very
9, Mona Lisa ….. by Leonardo da Vinci.
a) is painted b) painted c) was painting d) was painted
10, A: „I failed my exam.“ B: „ You ….. more.“
a) would study b) should to study c) can study d) should study
5. Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
Janette is ….. (1) Saint – Nazarie ….. (2) the north-west coast ….. (3) France. She works as a secretary ….. (4) an insurance company. She usually leaves home ….. (5) eight o´clock and goes ….. (6) bus ….. (7) her office. ….. (8) Monday and Wednesday evenings she goes ….. (9) Italian classes ….. (10) the local college.
6. Read the text and choose the correct alternative.
An / the (1) interesting study in the USA shows the / – (2) importance of family dinners. The results show that – / the (3) teenagers who eat with their families five or six times a week usually get – / the (4) top marks at school. There is probably a / the (5) simple explanation for this. Peter Bedesi is a / the (6) president of ApplyingtoSchool.com. This is a / the (7) service helping students who want to go to – / the (8) university. He says he sees a / the (9) big difference between families that discuss things and families that don´t. When you eat together and talk about – / the (10) different opinions and options, students can plan for the future.
7. Complete the sentences with one of the following words: somebody anybody nobody something anything nothing somewhere anywhere nowhere
1, Are you doing ….. at the moment?
2, There´s ….. in the fridge. We have to go shopping.
3, Look! There´s ….. outside our house. He´s looking in the window!
4, I can´t find my glasses ….. . Can you help me look?
5, I´ve bought you ….. for your birthday. I hope you like it.
8. Circle the correct words.
1, Are you good at to cook / cooking?
2, Jenny doesn´t want to do / doing that job because it´s boring.
3, Miriam doesn´t mind driving / to drive.
4, I have too much housework. I´d like to have / having someone to help.
5, I think that gardening / to garden is very relaxing.
Vocabulary [40 points]
9. Write the words to fill the gaps.
1. When you have a small injury or feel sick a ….. helps you.
2. You put a ….. on a cut to keep it clean.
3. You take ….. to make you feel better.
4. A vehicle that takes you to the hospital very quickly is called an ….. .
5. A ….. sells or gives you medicine.
6. An/ a….. is when a nurse puts medicine and a needle into your skin.
7. A ….. checks your teeth.
8. You go to ….. when you feel sick or have an injury.
9. A ….. operates on you when you are very sick.
10. You wrap a ….. around a sore muscle or sprained ankle.
10. Match a sentence on the left with a sentence on the right. Write your answers into the following table.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 It´s getting late. A Turn it down then.
2 It´s very cold today. B Please turn your music down.
3 That funny programe is on soon. C It´s time to get up.
4 Her boyfriend left her. D Do up your coat.
5 I´m trying to work. E Put on your raincoat.
6 The flat is quite old. F She got over it quickly.
7 It´s raining today. G Turn on the TV.
8 I don´t want to accept that job. H We can do it up nicely.
9 Where is the changing room? I I must look for it.
10 I don´t know where my book is. J I´d like to try on these trousers.
11. Choose words from the word list below to complete the gaps in the text. You can use every word only once. There are two extra words you do not need.
(A) repeat (B) summarise (C) exercise (D) foreign (E) presentation (F) express (G) useful (H) rules (I) practise (J) thoughts (K) native (L) vocabulary
Say what you mean
Are you a good speaker? I’m not talking about speaking a ….. (1) language. I’m talking about your own. Can you ….. (2) yourself well? Can you put your ….. (3) into words
clearly? Can you give a/an ….. (4) that other people can understand easily? Young people use too many slang expressions and ….. (5) simple words again and again. It is because of the fact that they don’t ….. (6) speaking at school. Students learn new ….. (7) and study grammar ….. (8), but this is usually to help their writing skills. Today,teachers want to give more lessons to teach students how to give talks, how to ….. (9) a situation and how to say things in different ways. All of these speaking skills will be …..
(10) for students when they have a job in the future.
12. Multiple choice. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Decide which word or phrase (A), (B) or (C) best fits each space.
´Sometimes I don´t understand you, Holmes,´ (1) Watson. ´I like living a quiet life myself.´ Holmes didn´t reply, but opened his newspaper in a lazy (2) and started to read. Suddenly they heard a loud knock (3) the street door downstairs. Mrs. Hudson, the (4), ran to open the door and a wild, excited young man (5) into the hall. He (6) her out of his way and ran up the stairs.
´Who are you, sir?´ asked Watson. ´And what do you want?´ The young man looked (7) Watson and Holmes, and started to explain. ´I´m sorry, Mr Holmes, please (8) angry. I feel (9) afraid, Mr Holmes. My name is John McFarlane,´ he continued. (10) Holmes nor Watson knew the name.
(1) (A) told (B) said (C) asked
(2) (A) way (B) form (C) method
(3) (A) at (B) in (C) by
(4) (A) houselady (B) housewoman (C) housekeeper
(5) (A) felt (B) fell (C) fall
(6) (A) pulled (B) pushed (C) grabbed
(7) (A) on (B) to (C) at
(8) (A) don´t be (B) don´t (C) not be
(9) (A) so (B) such (C) terrible
(10) (A) either (B) neither (C) nor
Kľúč k testu zo dňa 16. 02. 2015
1. C) are playing
2. C) is she going?
3. C) starts
4. B) doesn´t rain
5. C) does
6. A) is raining
7. B) doesn´t have
8. C) worked
9. B) was waiting
10.A) have forgotten
11. C) I haven´t finished
12.B) have you been
13. C) is made
14.A) was invented
15. C) are you doing
16.B) are you going to invite
17.A) will eat
18.B) couldn´t
19.A) needn´t
20. C) mustn´t
21.B) I don´t have to
22. C) has got
23.A) some information
24. C) goes to church
25.A) in
26.A) little food
27.A) boring
28. C) well
29.B) after
30.B) a/the/-
Strana 1
MAREC 2014
Strana 2
Reading [20 points]
1 Read the block and answer the questions.
18th March, 8.32 p.m. Today I am so excited. You
know I applied for the part time summer job at the
Children’s Play Centre? Well, I know for a fact that
about thirty people from my school also applied for
it. I really thought I didn’t have a chance. A lot of
other girls have brothers and sisters and they do a lot
of babysitting for them. I am an only child and I don’t
have a lot of experience with children. I have looked
after my sister’s two children from time to time – but
not regularly. Anyway, this morning in the post there
was a letter from the Children’s Play Centre and they
have asked me to go for an interview tomorrow
afternoon! I couldn’t believe it! It is a bit frightening
too because I’ve never been for an interview before
and I am not too sure what to expect. I imagine
they’ll ask me about my experience and why I want
the job and why I think I’ll be good at it. Things like
that. I’m also not too sure about what to wear. First
impressions are so important, aren’t they? I’ve
decided to wear casual clothes – but smart casual. I
don’t think it’s a good idea to dress like my mum
does for work! The Play Centre isn’t like a bank! I’ve
got a feeling I’m not going to sleep very well tonight!
Fingers crossed for tomorrow!
19th March, 7.56 p.m. Well, everyone, I’m sure you all
want to know how the interview went this afternoon.
I think it was pretty good!! I was worried yesterday
about sleeping last night but I had a really good sleep.
I think my brain was just very tired – thinking about
everything! I had a good day at school. We had a
couple of tests in French and Maths and they went
well. I didn’t go to tennis after school because of the
interview so I went straight home and changed and
tried to relax. Then mum drove me to the centre. She
wanted to come in with me! Anyway, I persuaded her
to have a coffee in the café across the road and I
went in for the interview. I didn’t have to wait very
long. One girl was in the interview room while I was
waiting. She looked quite upset when she came out. I
got very nervous then! So I went in – and I had
butterflies in my stomach. There were two nice ladies
in the room and they smiled at me when I came in. I
relaxed more then. Then they asked me lots of
questions about myself – like did I have any hobbies?
Where did I like to go on holiday? Things like that. Of
course they asked me about children. What games I
liked playing with children and which children’s books
I liked and so on. It was OK. There weren’t any really
difficult questions. But when I came out I felt so tired!
I had to sit down for a while. Crazy! They said I would
get a letter in a few days to say yes or no. So now I
guess I just have to wait.
20th March, 4.12 p.m. Got the letter! Got the job!
Great news – yes!! I start the day after school finishes
for the summer break. I can’t wait. Wicked!
1 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. The writer applied for work at the weekends.
2. She thinks she might get the job.
3. She babysits for her brother and sister.
4. She has a lot of experience with children.
5. The Play Centre sent her an email.
Strana 3
6. This will be her first interview.
7. She thinks there will be some questions about her reasons for wanting the job.
8. She thinks the clothes she wears will be important.
9. The writer’s mother works as a teacher.
10. She thinks her excitement will stop her sleeping.
2 This is the second part of reading. Choose the correct alternatives.
1. The writer __________
A slept well B slept badly
2. She had some tests __________
A in science B in two subjects
3. She went to the interview instead of __________
A going out with friends B doing sport
4. She went to the interview __________
A by bus B by car
5. Her mum wanted __________
A to go for a coffee B to go in with her
6. The writer went into the interview room __________
A after a while B immediately
7. She saw another applicant who __________
A was quite angry B wasn’t very happy
8. When she went in for her interview the writer was feeling __________
A excited B worried
9. The people who interviewed her __________
A were friendly B asked difficult questions
10. She got the results of the interview __________
A the next day B a few days later
Strana 4
Grammar [40 points]
3 Multiple choices. Circle the letter of the correct word or phrase.
1. Where __________ ? In a village near London.
A lives your uncle B does your uncle live C your uncle lives D does live your uncle
2. Where’s Tom? __________ a shower at the moment.
A he’s having B he have C he has D he has had
3. Why __________ angry with me yesterday?
A were you B was you C you were D have you been
4. My favourite film is Batman __________ it four times.
A I am seeing B I see C I saw D I have seen
5. I __________ out last night. I was too tired.
A don’t go B didn’t went C didn’t go D haven’t gone
6. Liz is from Edinburg. She __________there all her life.
A is living B has lived C lives D lived
7. My friend __________for me when I arrived.
A waited B has waited C was waiting D has been waiting
8. Martin is English but he lives in France. He has been there __________.
A for three years B since three years C three years ago D during three years
9. What time __________ ? About an hour ago.
A has Ann phoned B Ann has phoned C did Ann phone D is Ann phoning
10. What __________ when you saw her?
A did Sue wear B was Sue wearing C has Sue worn D was wearing Sue
4 Which of the forms is correct? Circle it.
1. It’s late. I must __________ now.
A go B to go C going
2. I am sorry but I haven’t got time __________ to you now.
Strana 5
A for talking B to talk C talking
3. Bill is always in the kitchen. He enjoys __________
A cook B to cook C cooking
4. You’re making too much noise. Can you please stop __________ ?
A shout B to shout C shouting
5. Would you like __________ to dinner on Sunday?
A come B to come C coming
6. Did you use a dictionary __________ the letter?
A to translate B for translating C for translate
7. I’d love __________ a car like yours.
A have B to have C having
8. I don’t mind __________ here but I’d prefer to sit by the window.
A sit B to sit C sitting
9. Do you want __________ you?
A that I help B me to help C me helping
10. I always read the newspaper before __________ work.
A start B to start C starting
5 Complete the text using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
__________ you __________ (like) watching sport on TV? __________ you __________ (know) that the Olympic
Games is the biggest sporting event on TV? Although the Games __________ (begin) in Ancient times, there was
a long period without the games. The modern Olympic Games __________ (take) place every four years since
1896. The first modern Olympics was in Athens. There __________ (not be) nearly as many competitors as there
are today. In Beijing in 2008 16 000 athletes __________ (compete) and 70 000 volunteers __________ (help)
with the games. Nowadays, the organizers __________ (begin) planning the Games very early. They __________
already __________ (start) planning for the Olympic games which will take place in 8 years’ time.
6 Choose the correct word.
1. Teachers __________ wear a uniform.
A don’t have to B haven’t got C have D don’t have got to
Strana 6
2. ___________ is this hat?
A who B yours C who’s D whose
3. What ___________ do this evening?
A would you like to B do you like to C you like to D would you to
4. It was a cold dark night in March and it _______________.
A rained B was raining C rains D rainy
5. Tokyo isn’t ____________ Helsinki.
A noisier B noisy as C as noisy as D as noisy like
6. Tom’s very lazy. If he doesn’t study harder ____________ the exam.
A he’ll fail B he fails C he fail D he won’t fail
7. I only eat ____________ meat.
A a few B very few C a little D very
8. Paul can’t buy a house. He _____________ money.
A hasn’t got enough B ‘s got too much C ‘s got enough any D ‘s got too few
9. ___________ arrived in Switzerland, and I’ve lost my passport.
A I’ve already B I’ve just C I’ve yet D I haven’t just
10. Mona Lisa _____________ by Leonardo Da Vinci.
A is painted B painted C was painting D was painted
11. A. I failed my exam.
B. You ____________ more.
A would study B should to study C can study D should study
Strana 7
Vocabulary [40 points]
7 Complete the sentences with these words.
Coaches, timetable, single, fare, express, return, direct, platform, passengers, slow.
1. Which ______________ does the train to Manchester leave from?
2. The ____________ to London is twenty pounds.
3. The __________ says the train leaves at 10:05.
4. There were so many ______________ on the 9:30 train that people had to stand.
5. The ______________ train to Edinburg only takes six hours. The ____________ train takes much
6. Is there a ________________ train to Prešov or do you have to change?
7. Can I have a ______________ ticket to Oxford? Don’t you want a ________? No, I am not coming
8. Buses for long distance travel are called ___________.
8 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
1. You play football on a ____________.
2. You play tennis on a _____________.
3. You can watch many films in a ____________.
4. Doctors and nurses work in a _____________.
5. You use golf _____________ to play golf.
6. You wear special gloves when you fight in a ____________.
7. CCTV ____________ are used in ______________ to catch thieves.
8. Planes and helicopters use a ____________ to land and ______________.
9 Choose the best expression.
1. I hate doing the _____________. I particularly hate tidying my room and doing the ironing.
A homework B exams C housework D shopping
2. In the morning I usually get up at 7 o’clock, _______________, and get dressed.
A have a shower B wake up C get out D do a shower
Strana 8
3. Can I _________ your book?
A lend B put on C borrow D wear
4. This is the sitting room. ______________ there are 3 bedrooms and a bathroom.
A up B down C in front of D upstairs
5. Excuse me. I haven’t got a ____________ to cut my food with.
A plate B knife C spoon D fork
6. Shall I _____________ this old cheese.
A throw away B turn off C pick up D take off
7. My mother’s been ill this week. I took the week off work to ___________.
A look to her B look up her C look after her D look for her
8. I ___________ a mistake. The meeting isn’t today, it’s tomorrow.
A did B had C made D thought
9. My new boss is really ___________. He’s just given me more money.
A mean B selfish C generous D talkative
10. There’s too much ___________ in this city. It takes hours to go a few miles.
A pollution B traffic C unemployment D cars
10 Write the opposites of these words.
1. Be awake
2. Lose
3. Be born
4. Sell
5. Selfish
6. Hardworking
7. Funny
8. Aggressive
9. Patient
10. Rich
MAREC 2011
READING [10 points]
Born to dance
P1. Nina Ananiashvili is a prima ballerina at the Bolshoi Ballet, the greatest ballet company
in the world. She lives with her husband Guya, a diplomat, in a flat in Moscow. The flat is
very small. The bedroom and the sitting room are in one room and there is only a very small
bathroom and kitchen.
P2. Every morning Guya and Nina have breakfast at half past seven. Then Nina prepares her
ballet shoes. She uses three new pairs of ballet shoes for every performance. Nina usually
walks to her classes at the theatre. “I love the city. It opens my eyes,” she says.
P3. But on performance days, she takes a taxi to her class and back. “I like to save my
energy,” she says. She arrives at the theatre at about five o’clock in the evening. The
performance starts at seven thirty.
P4. Dancing is very tiring and some ballerinas lose three kilos during a performance. Nina is
always thirsty after a performance. “I drink and drink: water, tea, lemonade, anything. Usually
I can’t sleep until three or four o’clock in the morning.”
P5. Bolshoi dancers earn quite a lot of money and there are other rewards. Girls stand in
shopping queues to buy food for her. “Men just leave flowers outside my flat and then run
away!” says Nina, and laughs.
1. Read the text and decide which paragraph [ P1, P2, P3, P4, P5] is about:
01. Nina’s morning routine
02. the rewards of being a ballerina
03. who Nina is and where she lives
04. what Nina does after a performance
05. Nina’s routine on performance days
2. Read the text again, decide if the sentences below are true [T] or false [F] and circle
the correct letter.
06. Nina works at a theatre. T F
07. She goes to her classes by taxi every day. T F
08. During a performance Nina always loses three kilos. T F
09. After a performance Nina usually falls asleep at three or four o’clock. T F
10. Nina’s husband doesn’t work. T F
GRAMMAR [40 points]
3. Multiple choice. Circle the letter of the correct word or phrase.
11. Sheila put in…..water.
A a lots of B a few C so much D many
12. There wasn’t…..in the box.
A any things B anything C something D nothing
13. Mary bought…..
A to Peter a pen. B a pen for Peter.
C for Peter a pen. D a pen to Peter.
14. What date is it? It’s…..
A July twentieth-first. B July the twentieth-first.
C the twenty-first of July. D the twentieth-first of July.
15. Jack is …..Joe.
A so quiet as B more quiet like
C much quiet than D quieter than
16. Last Sunday …..thousands of people at the beach.
A there were B they were
C it was D there was
17. There’s enough time, you…..hurry.
A mustn’t B can’t C needn’t D couldn’t
18. He…..write his homework yesterday.
A needn’t B didn’t have to C don’t have to D doesn’t have to
19. They can hear…..than they can see.
A bad B worse C badly D worst
20. Every year we spend …..week in the mountains.
A — B an C the D a
4. Which of the forms is correct? Underline it.
21. Greg is interested in / about dangerous sports.
22. When Alison will arrive / arrives, I’ll give her the book.
23. Where’s Paul? – He is playing / plays football with his friends.
24. Do you know to play / Can you play the piano?
25. Yesterday at 5 o’clock I worked / was working on my project.
26. Not go / Don’t go into the room.
27. We didn’t have / haven’t had our dinner yet.
28. They have a plan for this afternoon, they will / are going to revise math.
29. My mum wants me to study / that I will study at university.
30. Will you leave/ are you leaving on your holiday tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
5. Verb tenses. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms for present, past and
Kitty Hyde is everyone’s favourite grandma. She’s sixty-eight, has snow-white hair and
always 31 …..[wear] a pink cardigan. She has five lovely grandsons and she often
32 …..[look after] them. However, at the moment she 33…..
[not look after] them. Kitty Hyde 34 …..[go] to prison.
Two months ago Kitty 35 …..[rob] a bank with her grandson’s toy gun.
The cashier called the police and they 36 …..[catch] her in the next street.
Kitty explains, “I 37 …..[get married] when I was sixteen. All my life
I 38…..[take care] of my home and children. But I 39 …..
[never do] anything exciting. And now I’m famous. I’m on TV and in newspapers! But
I 40 …..[not rob] another bank.”
6. Correcting mistakes. Each sentence has a mistake in grammar or spelling. Find it,
underline it and write the correct form on the right side of each line.
41. We’d like invite you to dinner.
42. Corn is grew on fields.
43. They go skying every winter holiday.
44. My brother is tallest in his class.
45. Money are important.
46. Who’s book is it?
47. He doesn’t drive very good.
48. Our last holiday was quite bored.
49. How many times they have been to Greece?
50. She has already writen her homework.
VOCABULARY [30 points]
7. Choose the correct word and underline it.
51. The doctor said / told him that he was very sick.
52. During his holiday he usually lies / lays on a beach and sunbathes.
53. It’s only a joke, you shouldn’t be so sensible / sensitive.
54. I can’t talk / speak a foreign language.
55. My dad taught / learnt me to swim.
56. Can you drive / ride a motorbike?
57. Many young people steal / rob in shops.
58. Are you looking for / after the keys? – Here they are.
59. Can you let / leave me alone?
60. Speak loudly, I can’t listen to / hear you.
8. Prepositions. Complete the text with the correct prepositions. Choose from the list
during, with, for, until, by, at [3 times], on, after.
Jamie lives in a small flat 61…..two other boys who are students 62…..Cambridge
University. They work hard 63….. the week. Jamie has two jobs. 64…..Mondays,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works in a hospital where he travels 65…..bus. He starts
66….. ten o’clock and works 67 ….. five.
68….. the weekends they want to have a good time, so they invite a lot of friends. They
cook a meal and 69 …..the meal they usually go out 70 …..a drink.
9. Complete the text with the suitable words which fit in the context. Use one word only
in each space.
We have a weekend house 71 ….. the sea. It’s old and small, but very
72….. There are two bedrooms 73….. but no bathroom.
The bathroom is downstairs next to the 74 ….. and there’s a living room with
a beautiful 75…..which nicely heats the room in winter.
There’s a lovely 76…..in front of the house which is full of flowers in
spring and 77…..It goes down to the sea 78…..where I like going for
a 79…..with my dog. The house is a perfect 80…..to relax.
LANGUAGE IN USE [20 points]
10. Multiple choice. Choose the correct word or phrase and circle the letter.
81. Where’s the chair?
A The chair near the table. B Its there.
C It’s in the room. D There’s near the door.
82. Who’s that man?
A Its Peter. B It’s John.
C He’s teacher. D That’s a man.
83. A Is this big red chair? B Is this a big chair red?
C Is red this big chair? D Is this big chair red?
84. Brenda is writing…..
A with pen B in a paper C by a pencil D on paper
85. Do you need any water? No,…..
A I’ve got some. B I needn’t any C I don’t need D I haven’t got any
86. Did you visit Canada last year?
A No, I went never there. B No, I never was there.
C No, I’ve never been there. D No, I never have been there.
87. What’s that man?
A He’s John. B Yes, it’s a man. C It’s John. D He’s a teacher.
88. What is Mary like? – She…..
A is very well. B likes ice cream. C is like tall men. D is very pretty.
89. How is your brother?
A That’s fine. B He’s fine. C His fine. D Its fine.
90. Whose is this house? – It’s…..
A their B the Smith’s C theirs D of Mr Smith.
11. Read the text below and circle the letter of the correct expression.
Dear Mrs Brown,
I want to thank you for the 91…..time I had with your family in London. I enjoyed
92…..very much. I think that my English 93…..improved quite a lot. To say the truth,
at first I was worried because I couldn’t understand 94…..word.
It was very kind 95…..you to show me London and 96….. parts of England, too.
I also really enjoyed going to the theatre with you.
Give my 97…..to your children, I miss them very much. Tell Catherine that my little sister
98…..like to be her pen friend.
I’ll write again 99….. I hope you 100…..visit me one day in my town.
Much love to all of you Alison
91. A lovely B excited C terrible
92. A yourself B me C myself
93. A have B has C was
94. A — B a C the
95. A from B for C of
96. A other B another C others
97. A love B greet C hello
98. A should B would C could
99. A early B near C soon
100.A will B shall C must
Strana 1
MAREC 2013
Strana 2
Reading [20 points]
1 Read this email and circle the correct answers.
Hi Maria,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long
time, but we’ve had some problems here!
It’s been a nightmare! You know we
moved house last year. Well, we now live
near the River Garton – it’s a gorgeous part
of the country by the way, much nicer than
where we used to live. Anyway, when we
were thinking about moving Dad checked
out the area for flooding problems. The
weather has got wetter and wetter over the
last ten years and two years ago there were
some bad floods in a village five miles
away from here. So Dad checked and he
was told that there was no chance of
flooding in this area. They said our house
was a long way from the river and it was
really safe.
Guess what? Last month it rained and
rained for days. It went on for ages. The
river got higher and higher and then it
flooded. The whole area was underwater –
our house included. It was terrible. There
was water everywhere. It was about ten
centimeters deep in our downstairs rooms.
We had to stay with friends for two weeks.
The water went away after a couple of
days but it was a disaster. All our carpets
were ruined and the downstairs furniture
too. We couldn’t keep anything. The TV,
the cooker – everything’s been thrown out.
Luckily we can get the money back on our
insurance. But it’s awful. We’ve lost some
lovely things. One thing I lost was my
laptop. That’s one reason I haven’t emailed
you for so long! The sun is shining now,
thank goodness. But I know it’s going to
take a long time before everything in the
house is repaired. We’re staying in a
caravan in the garden while they clean out,
repair and redecorate the downstairs
rooms. So I can’t really invite you to stay
at the moment! You know they teach us at
school all about climate change and what it
means. But you don’t really understand
until something like this happens. I hope
you live on a hill! Write soon and send me
all your news. It will cheer me up!
Lots of love,
1 Bess is apologising because…
a she hasn’t seen Maria for a long time.
b she hasn’t sent her an email for a long
2 Bess now lives…
a in a bigger house than before.
b nearer the river than before.
3 Two years ago there were floods…
a where Bess used to live.
b near where Bess lives now.
4 Bess’s Dad bought this new house…
a before checking about floods.
b after checking about floods.
5 There were floods after…
a a short period of rain.
b a long period of rain.
6 Bess had to stay with friends for…
a a fortnight.
b a month.
7 The flood water in her house…
a damaged some electrical things.
b only damaged furniture.
8 Bess’s family…
a will have to pay a lot of money.
b won’t have to pay a lot of money.
9 Now Bess and her family are…
a staying at their house.
b staying with friends.
10 Bess thinks this flooding was the result
a climate change
b bad luck
Strana 3
2 Read the text again, decide if the sentences below are true (T), false (F) or not
mentioned (NM) and circle the correct letter.
1 Bess moved house last week. T F NM
2 She now lives near the centre of a town. T F NM
3 The river is five miles away. T F NM
4 There were floods in the area a couple of years ago. T F NM
5 The water ruined all the floor coverings downstairs. T F NM
6 Bess’s laptop was the only undamaged electrical item. T F NM
7 The weather has improved. T F NM
8 Bess would like Maria to stay with her soon. T F NM
9 Bess doesn’t think children are taught enough about climate change. T F NM
10 An email from Maria will make Bess feel better. T F NM
GRAMMAR [40 points]
3 Complete the email. Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
Dear Michael,
Hurray! The school year 1(just finish) and it’s the summer holiday. Next week, I 2(go) to
Canada to visit my aunt. She’s Canadian and she 3(live) in Toronto.
If I remember, I 4(send) you a postcard.
Last week, I 5(play) hockey for the school. The pitch 6(be) in a really bad condition. While I
7(run) towards the goal, I 8(fall) over and hurt my arm. Unfortunately we 9(lose) the game.
But I think I 10(be) OK by next weekend, though.
See you,
4 Which of the forms is correct? Underline it.
1 Where’s Tom? He’s having/ he has a shower.
2 What did you do/ were you doing at 2 o’clock yesterday?
3 Is Sonia here? No, she didn’t come/ hasn’t come yet.
4 We will go/ we are going to a concert this evening.
5 What are your plans for the summer? I’ll spend/ I’m going to spend a month in the
6 They told me/ said to me to leave.
7 Who do these books belong for/ to?
8 I’ll lend to you/ I’ll lend you some money if you want.
9 When Peter will do/ does his homework, he’ll go out with his friends.
10 What will you do/ do you do if you finish your homework early tonight?
5 Circle the letter of the correct word or phrase.
1 There isn’t ….. tea left in the pot, sorry.
any no not
2 Who ….. there?
Strana 4
live living lives
3 The little black dog ran ….. the road.
onto under forward
4 ….. wedding anniversary is on Sunday.
there their thier
5 Can you ….. the time, please?
tell me say me tell to me
6 The little boy in the blue sweater is ….. brother.
Jane’s Janes’ Janes
7 When Barbara is at work, her parents ….. her children.
look for look at look after
8 Are you good ….. maths?
in at of
9 I’m tired. I’m going ….. home.
to at –
10 Money ….. always bring happiness.
don’t doesn’t do
6 Each sentence has a mistake in grammar. Find it, underline it and write the correct
form on the right side of each line.
1 The woman, which helped me, is there.
2 Nobody know where she is.
3 They all speak English very good.
4 Where we can change our money?
5 We’ll call you when we will get to the airport.
6 When I was a child, I was loving ice cream.
7 My train is leaving at 9:15 every morning.
8 Listen – the birds sing.
9 Do you want speak to me?
10 Please listen me carefully..
VOCABULARY [40 points]
7 Choose the correct word and underline it.
1 A How did that become/ happen/ do?
B It was an accident.
2 A What do you prefer/ reckon/ like?
B It’s OK, I suppose.
3 A Do you think we’ll fail our exams?
Strana 5
B No, really/ quite/ definitely not.
4 A When did you last go shopping?
B A month ago/ last/ then.
5 A Who’s the book at/ by/ from?
B J. K. Rowling.
6 A Scott, you’ll never guess what happened! I’ve just seen Johnny Depp at the beach!
B You’re fantastic/ kidding/ sure! That’s amazing.
7 A Yes, I took some photographs!
B Cool! Can/ Should/ Do I see them?
8 A Sure. Are you doing anything/ something/ nothing this afternoon?
B No, nothing good/ nice/ special.
9 A Well, I’m going into town, if you are interest/ interesting/ interested.
B I’ll bring the photos.
8 Complete the sentences with the suitable words.
1 You put clothes in a _____________.
2 Please, put the dirty clothes into the _____________.
3 He won the race. He is the _______________.
4 Someone who is _____________ isn’t intelligent.
5 Lions are _____________ animals.
6 I keep my keys on a key_____________.
7 I love art. I want to _____________ a picture of my house.
8 Be careful when you are skiing, or you will ________________ your leg.
9 A ____________ is someone who plays in the final of a sports competition.
10 She feels _____________ because she hasn‘t got any friends.
9 Circle the words or phrases which best complete the text.
Today’s teens are more fashion conscious than previous generations, says top fashion
magazine “In Sight”. Parents may not 1_____________ with the article, but take a look
2___________ and you will see that times are changing. Colours that don’t match, jeans with
holes in them and jackets which are two sizes 3__________ big are a thing of the best.
But the big surprise is that it’s boys who are 4___________ the most money on fashion this
year, thanks to new high street shopping chains 5___________ Boys Only. This autumn grey
and green are definitely in, while black 6___________ as if it is not going to survive the
What makes a good friend? Someone you can get 7________ well with, or who has the same
interests 8_________ you? Or someone who can make you laugh and is always in a good
9_______ ? According to the survey a good friend is someone who you can 10 ________ on.
1 a) agree b) think c) believe d) interest
2 a) at b) around c) through d) into
3 a) a bit b) more c) as d) too
4 a) spending b) getting c) putting d) buying
5 a) such b) like c) as d) so
6 a) likes b) looks c) goes d) works
7 a) on b) never c) at d) with
8 a) of b) than c) that d) as
9 a) mood b) humour c) time d) agreement
Strana 6
10 a) trust b) support c) rely d) listen
10 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Choose from the list below.
in, on, at, to, over, from
1 Look! There’s a man ….. the roof. What is he doing?
2 Is the cinema near here? Yes, turn left ….. the traffic lights.
3 I usually do my shopping ….. the city centre.
4 There’s a small park ….. the top of the hill.
5 Munich is a large city ….. the south of Germany.
6 It’s difficult to carry a lot of things ….. a bicycle.
7 Paula didn’t go ……. work yesterday.
8 How far is it …… here ……. the airport?
9 In tennis, you have to hit the ball ……. the net.
Strana 7
MARCH 2013
READING [20 points]
1. 1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6a 7a 8b 9a 10a
2. 1F 2NM 3NM 4T 5T 6F 7T 8F 9F 10T
3. 1 has just finished
2 I am going
3 lives
4 I’ll send
5 played
6 was
7 was running
8 fell
9 lost
10 I’ll
4. 1 he’s having
2 were you doing
3 hasn’t come
4 we are going
5 I’m going to
6 they told me
7 belong to
8 I’ll lend you
9 Peter does his homework
10 what will you do
5. 1 any
2 lives
3 onto
4 their
5 tell me
6 Jane’s
7 look after
8 at
9 –
10 doesn’t
6. 1 who
2 knows
3 well
4 can we
5 we get
6 I loved
7 leaves
8 the birds are singing
9 want to speak
10 listen to me
7. 1 happen
2 reckon
3 definitely
4 ago
5 by
6 kidding
7 can
8 anything
9 special
10 interested
8. 1 wardrobe
2 washing machine
3 winner
4 stupid
5 wild
6 ring
7 to paint
8 break
9 finalist
10 lonely
9. 1 agree
2 around
3 too
4 spending
5 like
6 looks
7 on
8 as
9 mood
10 rely
10. 1 on
2 at
3 in
4 at
5 in
6 on
Strana 8
7 to
8 from, to
9 over
Test na prijímacie skúšky z anglického jazyka do 1. ročníka Gymnázia
na Konštantínovej ulici v Prešove v školskom roku 2012/2013 /bilingválna sekcia/
GRAMMAR (65 points)
1 Put in a/an or the where necessary. If a/an/the are not necessary, leave an empty space.
1. Last year we had __________ wonderful holiday in __________ south of _________ France.
2. After _________ dinner, we watched __________ television.
3. My apartment is on ___________ second floor. Turn left at ___________ top of __________
stairs, and it is on _________ right.
4. Julia is __________ doctor. her husband is __________ art teacher.
5. I usually listen to ___________ radio while I am having ________ breakfast.
6. I went to ________ school by _______ bus.
2 Write the correct questions using the words in brackets.
1. We do a lot of different things in our free time. (what)
2. She usually goes to work by car but sometimes she walks. (how)
3. We went to New York last month. (where)
4. Peter’s lost his passport. (what)
5. He helped her. (who)
6. Last week I went to a party. (when)
3 Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. Most mornings I get up/am getting up/got up at 6:30 am.
2. I don’t understand what this word means/is meaning/meant.
3. Coffee is grown/is growing/grew in the mountains.
4. Peter never listens/listens to/listens at the radio.
5. Richard was/is/has been in Canada since January.
6. Kate went/goes/is going to shop an hour ago.
4 Put the verbs in the correct tense.
Barbara and John are neighbours. They ____________ 1 (know) each other for several
years. Barbara ___________ 2 (move) into her house in 1985, and John ____________ 3 (live)
next door since he ___________ 4 (come) to the area in 1986.
Barbara is a writer. She __________ 5 (win) several awards for her books. A few years
ago, she ___________ 6 (win) the Pulitzer Prize for the most promising author of the year. At
the moment she _____________ 7 (write) a detective story.
John hasn’t got a job. He ___________ 8 (be) unemployed for six months. He
__________ 9 (spend) most days looking through the job pages in the newspapers.
Yesterday afternoon, Barbara went to John‘s house. John ___________ 10 (read) a book.
“Hello John”, said Barbara. “How are you ?” “I __________ 11 (not feel) very well, actually,”
John replied. “What’s the matter ?” “I ____________ 12 (have) a pain in my chest since
Monday. When I caugh, it really ____________ 13 (hurt).” “____________ 14 you (have) any
replies to your letters of application?” “Yes. Quite a few. I have got an interview tomorrow, and I
stand quite a good chance. If I get the job, we __________ 15 (go) out to celebrate.” “What a
lovely idea! Good luck with the interview!”
5 Use these prepositions in the following sentences. Some of them you can use more than
in, for, by, at, on
1. Ann left school ________ fifteen and got a job _________ a shop.
2. I am going away __________ a few days. I’ll be back _________ Thursday.
3. Did you buy that picture? No, it was given to me __________ a friend of mine.
4. Were there a lot of people ________ the party?
5. Kevin lived in London _________ six months. He didn’t like it very much.
6 Circle the correct form.
1. You’re making too much noise. Can you please stop ___________?
a) shout b) to shout c) shouting
2. Would you like ____________ to dinner on Sunday?
a) come b) to come c) coming
3. That bag is too heavy for you. Let me ___________ you.
a) help b) to help c) helping
4. Did you use a dictionary __________ the letter?
a) to translate b) for translating c) for translate
5. There’s a swimming pool near my house. I go __________ every day.
a) to swim b) to swimming c) swimming
7 Underline the correct form in these conditional sentences.
1. If she misses/she’ll miss the bus this afternoon, she’ll get a taxi instead.
2. We’ll have to go without John if he doesn’t arrive/he won’t arrive soon.
3. If you don’t complain/didn’t complain so much, you would be more popular.
4. Did you work/would you work harder if you were better paid?
5. If I had more money, did you marry/would you marry me?
8 Complete each sentence with a noun made from the verb given.
1. Tom sent in his ___________ for the job the next day. (apply)
2. There are over one million ____________ in this city. (inhabit)
3. This is the tallest ___________ in the whole country. (build)
4. It took Richard years to become a successful ___________. (act)
5. Don’t forget to turn off the ____________ before you leave. (cook)
6. I saw an interesting _____________ in the local paper. (advertise)
VOCABULARY (35 points)
1 Read Lotty’s email. Find 10 words with bad spelling and write them in the correct order.
Hi there Jess!
How are you? What are you doing? I’m writting a film reveiw for the school magazine.
It’s about the knew James Bond film. Are you doing anything this evening? What about waching
the film at my house? I now James Bond films are you’re favourite…
And what about Satuday night? Chris’s party, remember? We need to get a birthday
present for him. He likes runing – maybe we can bye him some trainers? Let me know what you
Buy for now,
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________
4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________
7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________
10. __________
2 Circle the words or phrases which best complete the text.
David Beckham, Britain’s style ambassador.
He’s not only England’s football captain. He’s also regularly voted the most fashionable man in
the UK. He has modelled sunglasses, and 1 _________ T-shirts for boys. He likes 2 _______
suits, especially expensive ones. But he likes changing his 3 ________, too. It was a distinctly
casual David Beckham who got off the plane in Spain at the start of 4 ________ contract with
Real Madrid, in a cool white jacket and a pair of blue jeans with a 5 ________ at the knee.
Hundreds of fashion – conscious Spanish girls shouted their approval. However, Becks (as his
friends call him) 6 _________ a different pair of trousers when he went out to dinner in the
1. a) drawn b) designed c) thrown d) played
2. a) putting b) carrying c) wearing d) taking
3. a) image b) mark c) figure d) face
4. a) his b) its c) her d) their
5. a) space b) hole c) gap d) spot
6. a) put off b) put on c) took over d) took off
3 Complete the definitions. Circle the letter of the correct word form.
1. When an airplane has arrived from somewhere we say it has
a) feasted b) joined c) took off d) landed
2. When you are sick, you may have a
a) hunger b) feast c) disease d) fun
3. When you look for animals to kill for food or pleasure, you
a) plant b) hunt c) eat d) digest
4. When the government of a country decides to celebrate a special day, it _______ a holiday.
a) declares b) asks for c) invites d) pays
5. If you are not too tired we could have a ________ of tennis after lunch.
a) match b) play c) game d) party
4 Use the words to answer the questions.
a cash-desk, a label, a refund, a customer, a queue, change, a bargain
1. When a supermarket is busy, what do you have to stand in, when you are waiting to pay?
2. If something costs £ 4.70 and you give the shop assistant £ 5 note, what do you call the money
he gives you back? …..
3. What do you call the piece of material that is attached to clothes and tells the name of the
company that made it and how you should wash it? …..
4. If you bring something back to the shop, the shop assistant may give you your money back.
What is this called? …..
5. When something is cheaper than usual, what do you call it? …..
6. The person who comes to a shop and wants to buy something is called …..
7. Where do you pay for the items in a shop? …..
5 Complete the sentences with one of the given words. There are three extra words.
drive, hedge, tasteful, roomy, tasteless, skylight, balcony, stairs, attic, wardrobe
1. The living room doesn’t look big but it’s quite _____________ when you sit in it.
2. Paul! Put your shirt and trousers in the _____________ please.
3. Why is the car in the ______________ . Why didn’t you put it in the garage?
4. We often sit on the ______________ when it’s warm.
5. I’m going up to the ______________ to look at the old boxes we’ve got there.
6. I like your furniture. It’s very _______________ .
7. I like living in a house but I don’t like walking up and down the _________________ .
Prijímacie pohovory do 1. ročníka Gymnázia, Konštantínova 2, Prešov v školskom
roku 2014/2015
(nemecká bilingválna sekcia)
1. Hallo, ich bin Monika. Und wie ….. du?
a) heißen b) bist c) heißt
2. Woher kommst du? ….. Italien.
a)In b) Aus c) Nach
3.Und was sind Sie von Beruf? Ich ….. Lehrer.
a) habe b) bin c) arbeite
4.Guten Tag. Wie geht es Ihnen? Danke, gut. Und ….., Frau Wolf?
a) Sie b) dir c) Ihnen
5.Vera wohnt in Köln und ….. bei Siemens.
a) arbeiten b) arbeitest c) arbeitet
6.Mama, kaufst du ….. ein Eis? Nein, heute nicht.
a) ihr b) dir c) mir
7. Entschuldigung, …..komme ich zum Gymnasium?
a) warum b) wer c) wie
8. Welche Sprachen ….. du? Slowakisch und Deutsch.
a) sprechst b) sprichst c) spricht
9.Hast du Geschwister? Ja, einen ….. und zwei Schwestern.
a) Neffen b) Bruder c) Onkel
10. Leben deine Großeltern noch?
….. Oma lebt noch, aber ….. Opa ist schon gestorben.
a) meine … mein b) meine … meine c) mein … meine
11. Ich brauche einen Termin. Geht es ….. Freitag ….. 11Uhr?
a) um … am b) am … um c) bis … vor
12. Kommt ihr morgen?
Nein, morgen ….. wir leider nicht kommen.
a) möchten b) müssen c) können
13. Wo ist das Heft?
Es liegt ….. Stuhl. Leg es bitte ….. Schreibtisch!
a) im … auf den b) auf dem … auf den c) auf den … im
14.Wo …..ihr gestern? Im Büro, wir ….. viel Stress.
a) seid … haben b) wart… hatten c) warst …hattet
15.Was …..du am liebsten? Rote Blusen.
a) tragen b) tragst c) trägst
16. ….. du schon den Text ….. ?
a) Habe … geschrieben b) Hast … schreiben c) Hast … geschrieben
17. ….. du gern Fisch?
a) Esst b) Isst c) Essen
18.Ist Max dein Bruder? ….., Max ist mein Freund.
a) Nein b) Nicht c) Kein
19.Welches Datum ist heute? ….. ….. März. (8.03.)
a) Der achte b) Das achte c) Der acht
20.Hier ….. man nicht rauchen. Das ist verboten.
a) muss b) will c) darf
21.Julia….. vorige Woche nach Wien…..
a) hat …. gefahren b) ist …. gefahren c) hat … fahren
22.Wir sehen unseren Onkel nicht oft. Paul sieht …..Tante sehr oft.
a) meine b) deine c) seine
23.Er…..jeden Morgen um 7 Uhr…..
a) auf … stehe b) stehe … auf c) steht … auf
24. Das ist Evas Haus mit dem Garten. Wie findest du …..Garten?
a) seinen b) ihre c) ihren
Ich bin so müde!
25….. doch einen Kaffee!
a) Trinkst b) Trink c) Trinkt
26. Der Arzt sagt, ich …..viel Tee trinken.
a) sollst b) sollt c) soll
27. Ich habe …..14 Uhr…..17 Uhr gelernt.
a) von … bis b) um … am c) bis … von
28. Was sind deine Hobbys? Meine Hobbys sind Ski…..und Musik …..
a) treffen … singen b) fahren … singen c) fahren …. hören
29. Wann gehst du ….. ….. Schule? Heute schon um 7 Uhr.
a) in der b) zu die c) in die
30.Was möchtest du später werden? Ich…..
a) will Arzt werden.
b) Arzt will werden.
c) werden Arzt will.
31.Mein Opa braucht ….. Computer und ….. Handy. Er hat nur einen
Fernseher und ist damit zufrieden.
a) keinen …. keine b) kein …. kein c) keinen …. kein
32. Wie spät ist es? Es ist 12:25.
a) fünf nach halb eins
b) fünfunddreißig vor eins
c) fünf vor halb eins
33. Was möchtet ihr zum Frühstück? Wir …..gern einen Kaffee.
a) möchte b) möchtet c) möchten
34.Ich wünsche ….. alles Gute ….. Geburtstag.
a) dir … zu b) dir … zum c) dich … zum
35.Was ist richtig?
a) Ich möchte bezahlen, bitte.
b) Ich bezahlen möchte, bitte.
c) Ich bitte möchte bezahlen.
36.Diese ….. sind interessant.
a) Buchs b) Bücher c) Büchen
36. Ingrid …..Schokolade
a) mag b) magt c) mögt
37.Meine Oma ist krank. Ich muss ….. besuchen.
a) ihr b) ihn c) sie
38. Ich bin schon ….. Hause. Und wo bist du? Wann kommst du …..Hause?
a) nach ….. in b) zu ….. nach c) nach … zu
39. Warum steht ihr, Kinder?
a) Setzt euch doch! b) Sitzt ihr doch! c) Setzte euch doch!
40. Gestern ….. ich sehr viel zu tun.
a) habe b) war c) hatte
41.Das Auto steht …..
a) vor den Haus. b) vor das Haus. c) vor dem Haus.
42. Wir ….. gestern in der Schule bis 16 Uhr…..
a) haben … geblieben
b) sind … geblieben
c) sind … gebleiben
1. Hallo, ich bin Peter. Und wie ….. du?
a) heißen b) bist c) heißt
2. …..kommst du? Aus Deutschland .
a) wie b) wo c) woher
3.Wo….. du?
Ich bin zu Hause.
a) bist b) ist c) bin
4. Guten Tag. Wie geht es Ihnen?
Danke, gut. Und ….., Frau Wolf?
a) Sie b) dir c) Ihnen
5. Vera wohnt in Köln und ….. bei Siemens.
a) arbeiten b) arbeitest c) arbeitet
6. Mama, kaufst du ….. ein Eis?
Nein, heute nicht.
a) ihr b) dir c) mir
7. Entschuldigung, …..beginnt der Unterricht?
a) wann b) woher c) was
8. ….. du Deutsch?
Ja, sehr gut.
a) Sprechen b) Sprichst c) Spricht
9. Hast du heute Zeit?
Ja, ….. 16 Uhr.
a) am b) um c) im
10. Leben deine Großeltern noch?
….. Oma lebt noch, aber ….. Opa ist schon gestorben.
a) meine … mein b) meine … meine c) mein … meine
11. Kannst du zu mir kommen? Ja, ich komme….. Freitag.
a) am b) um c) bis
12. Kommt ihr morgen?
Nein, morgen ….. wir leider nicht kommen.
a) möchten b) müssen c) können
13. Wo ist das Heft?
Es liegt ….. Stuhl.
a) im b) auf den c) auf dem
14 . Er ….. 4 Kinder.
a) hat b) habt c) habst
15. Was …..du am liebsten? Die Bücher von Karl May.
a) lest b) liest c) lese
16. Hast du…..Bruder ? Ja, er wohnt in Košice.
a) einen b) eine c) eins
17. ….. du gern Fleisch?
a) Esst b) Isst c) Essen
18. Ist Otto dein Bruder?
….., Otto ist mein Freund.
a) Nein b) Nicht c) Kein
19. Welcher Tag ist heute?
a)Montag b) Donnerstag c) Freitag
20. In der Deutschstunde ….. man still sein.
a) muss b) will c) darf
21. Jana….. nächste Woche nach Wien…..
a) fahrt b) fährt c) fahre
22. Ich besuche meinen Onkel nicht. Mein Freund besucht …..Tante
sehr oft.
a) meine b) deine c) seine
23. Er…..jeden Morgen um 7 Uhr…..
a) auf … stehe b) stehe … auf c) steht … auf
24. Das ist mein Fahrrad. Es gehört…..
a) mir b) ihr c) dir
25. Hast du Durst?….. doch einen Tee!
a) Trinkst b) Trink c) Trinkt
26. Der Arzt sagt, ich …..viel Tee trinken.
a) sollst b) sollt c) soll
27. Ich schlafe jede Nacht …..22Uhr….. 6 Uhr
a) von … bis b) um … am c) bis … von
28. Am Wochenende gehen wir …..Kino.
a) ins b) im c) auf
29. Wo steht die Vase?
a) in der Ecke b) auf der Ecke c)hinter der Ecke
30. Was möchtest du später werden? Ich…..
a) will Arzt werden. b) Arzt will werden. c) werden Arzt will.
31. Was möchtet ihr zum Frühstück?
Wir …..gern einen Kaffee.
a) möchte b) möchtet c) möchten
32. Thomas liegt …..Bett.
a) im b) ins c) in der
33. Was ist richtig?
a) Ich möchte bezahlen, bitte.
b) Ich bezahlen möchte, bitte.
c) Ich bitte möchte bezahlen.
34. Der Lehrer hilft ….. Schülerin.
a) der b) dem c) ihr
35. Ingrid …..keine Milch trinken.
a) durf b) darf c)darft
36. Meine Oma ist krank. ….. muss ins Krankenhaus gehen.
a) Ihr b) Du c) Sie
37. Ich bin schon ….. Hause. Und wo bist du?
a) nach b) zu c) in
38. Was sind Sie von Beruf?
a) Meine Frau ist Ärztin. b) Anton Meier. c) Ich bin Lehrer.
39. Wann gehst du zum Sport?
a) Gleich in der Arbeit b) Gleich nach der Arbeit c) Gleich bei der Arbeit.
40. Das Auto steht …..
a) in der Garage. b) in die Garage. c) zu die Garage.
41. Wie alt bist du? Doplň slovom!
Ich bin …..Jahre alt.
42. ….. machst du heute Abend?
a) wo b)wer c) was
43. Was gibt es du zum…..?
Gemüsesuppe, Schnitzel mit Kartoffeln.
a) Mittagessen b) Frühstück c) Pausenbrot
44. Wann gehst du ….. ….. Schule?
a) in der b) in die c) zu die
45. Martina: Ich habe Halsschmerzen.
Robert: Dann ….. doch eine Tablette!
a) nimmt b) nimm c) nehme
46. Das ist ein Buch. …..Buch kostet 10 Euro.
a) Der b) Das c) Die
47. In den Ferien …..wir nach Berlin.
a) fahren b) haben c) sind
48. Kann ich, bitte, …..dem Chef sprechen?
a) bei b) mit c) zu
49. Was machst du heute Abend?
Ich …..noch nicht.
a) weiß b)wisst c) weißt
prosim vas ake su odpovede k anglickemu testu na prijimacky 2014/15