Manažérske výcvikové hry 12 Playfair
COLOURS Group Size Any Size Materials None Where and When A good game to play when the group's concentration is...
COLOURS Group Size Any Size Materials None Where and When A good game to play when the group's concentration is...
INSIDE OUT Materials: None Aims: Developing imagination, self-validation, sensory awareness, awareness, body control. Procedure: Whole group lies on backs, arms...
BOMB SHELTER Materials: None Aims: Role-playing, group decision-making, group interaction. Procedure: Divide in groups of 8 - 10. Each group...
TICK TOCK Materials: Two small different objects, such as a blue felt pen and a red felt pen. Aims: Breaking...
The games in this chapter are all really easy to set up. Many of them needing no equipment others requiring...
Black Spot From: Andrew Burt • Pen per leader • Scrap of paper per player The cubs are issued with...
Blind man's Bacon Adapted by (Dan Mott) - Great Salt Lake Council • 2 Blindfolds • 2 Water pistols...
Battleship Kim's Game • A table per team • A piece of chalk per team • Ten items per team...
Anagrams • Cards with anagrams on pinned around the room • Pen and paper player player or per team There...
Animal Snap Several packs of animal snap type picture cards - Make sure you have the same number of each...
Materials: 9 chairs, running space Aims: Active participation, warm-up, fun Procedure: At one end of the room, three rows of...
Animal Relay Based on text from: (Dan Mott) Each member of a team is allocated a different animal. He...
Blind Tom Obstacle Race From: (Dan Mott) • Many Obstacles • 6 Blindfolds Select four to six scouts, who...
Materials: One ball for every group of about 15 -16. Aims: Introduction, memorizing names Procedure: New group sits in a...
Materials: None Aims: Positive feedback, good for closing exercise Procedure: Members mill around. When you see someone you'd like to...
Materials: Small prizes, such as sweets.(optional) Aims: Memory training, concentration, building groups, fun. Procedure: Group is seated, scattered around the...
Aims: To find out the names of other members in the group To provide low risk activity To stimulate logical...
Aim: (1) To provide opportunities to become acquainted with other members of the group. (2) To promote feedback and self-disclosure...
Introduction Show a picture of a Treasure Chest being locked by a Pirate. Inside, treasure should be seen. Explain that...
The methods used in the pack are very simple. They are mostly not difficult and not dangerous. They are, though,...
Mass Media: Means (especially newspapers, radio, television) of imparting information to, influencing the ideas of, enormous number of people. Oxford...
Introduction A short exercise for people in a group who do not know each other very well or who have...
Introduction The world of fantasy can be a useful tool in helping young people discover and express their thoughts and...
Introduction An activity that looks at links between our "enemies" and ourselves and how our view of our "enemies" can...