Letecké závody Reno, Nevada, USA: 9 mŕtvych a 56 zranených pri havárii lietadla
Aktualizované: 20. septembra 2011, 12:50 + video + foto Reno, Nevada (USA) – viac ako 56 ľudí bolo zranených, z toho 25 ťažko, pri havárii lietadla počas leteckej akcie Reno National Championship Air Races na letisku Reno Stead Airport v Reno v americkej Nevade. Doteraz hlásia oficiálne zdroje 9 mŕtvych. Hovorca letekého závodu označil nehodu za hromadné letecké nešťastie. Ako upresnili Breaking News na kanáli ABC 13 Action News, havarované lietadlo je historická stíhačka P-51 Mustang, riadené pilotom Jimmy Leeward (74 rokov). Lietadlo P-51 Mustang sa zrútilo do sektoru pre sediacich divákov na kraji tribúny. ABC 13 uvádza, že pri nešťastí zahynul pilot Jimmy Leeward a ďalší 8 návštevníci. Nehodu vyšetruje americký federálny letecký úrad (FAA). O príčine nešťastia je ešte priskoro špekulovať, niektoré zdroje však uvádzajú, že lietadlo P-51 Mustang letelo pozdĺž pristávacej plochy v nízkej letovej výške. Let sa konal vo formácii, keď za sebou leteli minimálne 3 lietadlá. Pilot Jimmy Leeward obletel tribúnu a nalietaval z veľkej výšky so zámerom ukutočniť obrat nízko nad zemou. Podľa očitých svedkov pilot z celej sily ťahal za knipel, z neznámych príčin však nedokázal lietadlo vyrovnať a narazil kolmo na povrch letiska na okraj tribúny medzi obecenstvo.
Stephanie Kruse, hovorkyňa záchrannej služby Regional Emergency Medical Service Authority informovala, že 25 ľudí bolo ťažko zranených a ďalších 25 ľudí je v kritickom stave a bojujú o život. Viac ako 25 ďalších ľudí bolo ošetrených s ľahkými zraneniami. 40 ľudí bolo odvezených do miestnych nemocníc sanitkami a jedna osoba bola letecky prevezená do nemocnice. Lietadlo spadlo do priestoru vyhradeného pre návštevníkov okolo 16:30 miestneho času (2:30 SEČ).
Video z havárie lietadla v Reno 2011
ABC 13 Action News
Pilot Jimmy Leeward a príčina nešťastia
Leteckých závodov sa zúčastnil aj náš dopisovateľ Jack Torres. Podľa jeho informácií bol pilot Jimmy Leeward skúseným závodným pilotom a mal nalietaných nespočet hodín na viac ako 250 typoch lietadiel a vrtuľníkov. „Leeward vystupoval v niekoľkých filmoch, napr. Dragonfly a The Tuskegee Airmen. Zrútený stroj P-51 Mustang, nazývaný Galloping Ghost (Lietajúci duch), patril medzi jeho najobľúbenejšie. Lietadlo narazilo do tribúny v plnej rýchlosti a všade lietali trosky lietadla, časti ľudských tiel a kusy zeme.“ uvádza Jack. Výpovede očitých svedkov sa líšia. Príčinou nešťastného incidentu mohol byť aj zdravotný stav pilota, ktorý mal 74 rokov.
O lietadla
Havarované lietadlo je historická stíhačka P-51 Mustang, riadené pilotom Jimmy Leeward (74 rokov). Typ lietadla: P-51D-15NA, výrobné číslo: S/N 44-155651, registrácia: N79111, typ lietadla: bojová stíhačka z 2. svetovej vojny (World War II Fighter).
Havárie v Reno
Havárie lietadiel na tejto leteckej prehliadke nie sú ojedinelým javom. V roku 2010 tu havaroval civilný akrobatický stroj The Thunder Mustang, riadený pilotom Geoge Giboney. Po vyslaní núdzového signálu mayday sa katapultoval a vyviazol bez zranenia. Jeho akrobatické lietadlo za 2 milióny USD skončilo na vrakovisku. Aj v roku 2007 tu došlo k leteckému incidentu. Letecké závody v Reno majú 48 ročnú históriu, počas ktorej zahynulo 17 ľudí, prevažne pilotov. Doteraz ale nebol vážnejšie zranený žiadny divák. A žiadna z prehliadok nemala doteraz také fatálne následky, ako tohtoročný pád lietadla medzi divákov.
Reno National Championship Air Races
Letecká show Reno National Championship Air Races prináša prehliadku množstva vojenských a civilných lietadiel a vrtuľníkov. Každoročne ju navštívia tisícky návštevníkov. Informácie o leteckej akcii nájdete na stránke Reno National Championship Air Races.
75 injured in Reno air race crash
Updated: Friday, 16 Sep 2011, 8:42 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 16 Sep 2011, 8:30 PM EDT
RENO, Nevada (AP) – A medical official says more than 75 people were injured in a plane crash at an air race event in Reno, 25 critically.
There’s no word on the number of deaths, but a spokesman for the race called it a „mass casualty situation.“
Stephanie Kruse, a spokeswoman for the Regional Emergency Medical Service Authority, said 25 people were critically injured and another 25 people were seriously injured in the crash.
She says the critically injured were considered to have life-threatening injuries. She says more than 25 other people were treated for minor injuries.
Kruse says so far, 40 people have been taken to local hospitals by ambulance and one person has been flown to a hospital.
The plane plunged into the stands at the National Championship Air Races at about 4:30 p.m.
Reno, NV (KTNV) — A plane plunged into the stands at an air race event in Reno in what an official described as a „mass casualty situation.“
It wasn’t immediately known how many people were killed. But video of the crash showed a horrific scene of bodies and wreckage at the front of the stands.
Mike Draper, a spokesman for the air races, told The Associated Press that Jimmy Leeward was the pilot of the P-51 Mustang that crashed into the box seat area at the front of the grandstand about 4:30 p.m. He said he did not have any information on the number of injured.
Our affiliates at KOLO in Reno reported airport officials canceled all remaining races and told everyone in attendance to go home.
The cause of the crash is not known.
The National Championship Air Races draws thousands of people every year in September to watch various military and civilian planes race.
Action News will continue to update this story as new information becomes available.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
RENO, Nev. (AP) — An official says the pilot of a World War II era fighter that crashed into the grandstands at an air race event in Reno, Nev., was killed in the wreck.
Mike Houghton, president and CEO of the Reno Air Races, said at a news conference that pilot Jimmy Leeward of Ocala, Fla., died in the crash after apparently losing control of the aircraft.
Leeward is the owner of the Leeward Air Ranch Racing Team and is a well-known racing pilot. His website says he has flown more than 120 races and served as a stunt pilot for numerous movies, including „Amelia“ and „Cloud Dancer.“
Leeward also is a real estate salesman.
He died when the P-51 Mustang he was flying crashed into a box seat area at the front of the grandstand at the National Championship Air Races at about 4:30 p.m.
Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) — Nevada politicians released statements reacting to the fatal plane crash in Reno on Friday afternoon.
Senator Harry Reid:
„I am deeply saddened at the news of this devastating accident. My thoughts are with the families of those who have lost their lives and with those who were wounded in this horrific tragedy. I am so grateful to our first responders for their swift action and will continue to monitor this situation as it develops.“
Congressman Mark Amodei:
„I am shocked and saddened by the news of the tragic plane crash at the Reno National Championship Air Races this afternoon, and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. I have been in regular contact and receiving updates from City of Reno officials. I will be in Reno tomorrow and hope to meet with emergency response personnel for a briefing and to offer any assistance I can provide.“
Senator Dean Heller:
„My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families of this horrific accident. I have directed my staff to provide whatever assistance they can.“
Congressman Joe Heck:
„My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the victims of this terrible accident.“