Supertéma: Inflácia
Prečítajte si kompletne spracovanú supertému o inflácii na stránke Inflácia. Nájdete tam informácie súvisiace s infláciou, vysvetlenie pojmov, vzťahov, makroekonomický...
Prečítajte si kompletne spracovanú supertému o inflácii na stránke Inflácia. Nájdete tam informácie súvisiace s infláciou, vysvetlenie pojmov, vzťahov, makroekonomický...
Arktická zima komplikuje život v Európe. Mnoho obetí hlási Ukrajina, Poľsko, Rumunsko, Turecko, Srbsko, Rakúsko, Česká republika. Teploty v strednej...
Medzinárodná agentúra Moody's dnes znížila rating spoločnosti Letové a prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky (LPS SR). Moody's dnes znížila o jeden...
LONDÝN - Britský princ Harry po 18-mesačnom výcviku získal oprávnenie na pilotovanie bojového vrtuľníka Apache. Oznámilo to to ministerstvo obrany...
COLOURS Group Size Any Size Materials None Where and When A good game to play when the group's concentration is...
INSIDE OUT Materials: None Aims: Developing imagination, self-validation, sensory awareness, awareness, body control. Procedure: Whole group lies on backs, arms...
BOMB SHELTER Materials: None Aims: Role-playing, group decision-making, group interaction. Procedure: Divide in groups of 8 - 10. Each group...
TICK TOCK Materials: Two small different objects, such as a blue felt pen and a red felt pen. Aims: Breaking...
The games in this chapter are all really easy to set up. Many of them needing no equipment others requiring...
Black Spot From: Andrew Burt • Pen per leader • Scrap of paper per player The cubs are issued with...
Blind man's Bacon Adapted by (Dan Mott) - Great Salt Lake Council • 2 Blindfolds • 2 Water pistols...
Battleship Kim's Game • A table per team • A piece of chalk per team • Ten items per team...
Anagrams • Cards with anagrams on pinned around the room • Pen and paper player player or per team There...
Animal Snap Several packs of animal snap type picture cards - Make sure you have the same number of each...
Materials: 9 chairs, running space Aims: Active participation, warm-up, fun Procedure: At one end of the room, three rows of...
Animal Relay Based on text from: (Dan Mott) Each member of a team is allocated a different animal. He...
Blind Tom Obstacle Race From: (Dan Mott) • Many Obstacles • 6 Blindfolds Select four to six scouts, who...
Materials: One ball for every group of about 15 -16. Aims: Introduction, memorizing names Procedure: New group sits in a...
Materials: None Aims: Positive feedback, good for closing exercise Procedure: Members mill around. When you see someone you'd like to...
Materials: Small prizes, such as sweets.(optional) Aims: Memory training, concentration, building groups, fun. Procedure: Group is seated, scattered around the...
Aims: To find out the names of other members in the group To provide low risk activity To stimulate logical...
Aim: (1) To provide opportunities to become acquainted with other members of the group. (2) To promote feedback and self-disclosure...
Portál o Vrtuľníkoch a helikoptérach je mediálnym partnerom 11. ročníka Helicoptershow. Medzinárodné stretnutie výrobcov leteckej techniky Helicoptershow 2012 sa...
Región V najvšeobecnejšej polohe môžeme región chápať ako ohraničený priestor na základe zvolených kritérií, ktoré vyplývajú z účelu, pre ktorý...